“It is not what happens to you, but how you react to it that matters.”


We all have those issues that might be holding us back or preventing us from having what we want in life; so now answer this question “What do you want instead of that?” NLP is the only cognitive behavioural technique that focuses on a desired outcome. With NLP, there is no work done unless that work is towards a positive and well-formed outcome.

NLP Psychotherapy will dig deep to uncover any unhelpful ways of thinking you currently have and replace them with some of what you want instead, ultimately leading to more choices in life.   One of the tenets of NLP is that nobody is broken and also that nobody is perfect; indeed, learning to embrace our ‘imperfect perfections’ perfectly is the gateway to understanding why we are getting the results we do and how we might want to make changes. 

We believe that getting something similar is nothing like choosing what you want.  This is truly where NLP Psychotherapy and coaching can truly help.

Here are just some of the ways we can help by guiding you through this process of self-discovery:

  • Construct a best way forward – this starts with understanding where you are and defining where you want to be, and then forging the best and most congruent pathway between the two
  • Conflict resolution – be it in your job or career, with family members, or any other primary relationships that are important to you right now
  • Confidence and self-esteem – what we believe about ourselves will govern much of what we do, or don’t do.  Letting go of life-limiting beliefs and getting rid of heavy and energy-sapping baggage is always super liberating.
  • Confirm and reaffirm – congruent changes that you continually confirm will both strengthen your resolve and will feel right. Integrity is the only path on which you will never be lost