At this time of the year one of the great linguistic truths of NLP emerges; the concept that words can be “semantically packed”.
What do we mean?
We mean they can be rich with intended and unintended meaning (and understanding that we all use words in this way is a gift NLP can give us)
Let us explain….well, for one person the word Christmas can mean warm fires, the smell of a roast in the oven and genuine feelings of joy – all in an instant.
Some others are not so lucky.
Hang on though.
If we are “meaning making machines” and all meaning is context dependent in a world where our reality is constructed by us – we can re-engineer what Christmas means for ourselves, heck anyone.
If you could look back in a year and laugh – why wait?
If you can pick up the ‘phone and say hello (or send an email if you’d rather) – why wait?
So whether you are with friends or family, volunteering at a shelter, out carolling for charity, or under the covers in your fleecy jim-jams on the big day, make it just right.
For you. Now.
Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year – we’ll be seeing you soon.